Wednesday, July 23, 2008

MiniBots - Bumblebee, Outback, Pipes, Swerve, Tailgate

Bumblebee is one of the smallest and physically weakest Autobots. While his stature allows him to do his job better than most Autobots could manage, he is self-conscious about his size. Maybe this is why he makes fast friends among the humans.

No by-the-book soldier is Outback; for him, the rules of war are the rules of Rafferty. If the beaten track winds, it's a fair bet he'll go straight. He's more comfortable out in the never never anyway, up grades as steep as 50 degrees, or kicking up willie willies at 110 mph. His insubordination gains him little respect from his mates, and often he finds no partner on his missions but Pat Malone and his trusty rooftop tank-jigger, loaded with armor-piercing shells.

Pipes is an excellent soldier—tough, brave, and very strong—and otherwise worthy of little note, except for his unusual ability and eccentric hobby. When he came to Earth, Pipes became enamored of the fleshlings' primitive and ingenious technology and could not resist taking home cast-off examples when on missions.

Swerve is a menace to anyone driving nearby. He's easily distracted by just about anything that catches his attention. Despite this, he's quite intelligent and skilled as a metallurgist, analyzing the properties of a material with unique sensors in his hands. When he gets caught up in a scientific problem, he becomes almost laser-like in focus and intensity.

Tailgate is an Autobot scout, not so much for his skill (for he is mediocre at best) but for two unrelated reasons. First, his hood conceals a ridiculously powerful iron-cobalt magnet, which he can use to tailgate closely beside other vehicles and travel far into enemy territory without fuel. Second, his bizarre idees fixees make him extremely poor company for other Autobots.